The Trusses Are Up!

The Trusses Are Up!

My crazy life showed up the same morning as the trusses.  I was so proud of myself that I showed up at the farmhouse at 6:15am and the crane showed up at 6:30am.  The most unusual part of that, was being up, dressed (not well), and someplace at that time of the...
Perimeter Is Secure

Perimeter Is Secure

It’s hard to believe but all the outside walls are up!  The last wall to be put up was the big north wall that has three sets of french doors out to the patio.  It has a huge header beam and was a big wall to go up!  The farmhouse is really taking shape now.  I...
One Wall Left

One Wall Left

I am so grateful to be able to share the progress of the farmhouse with you!  We have one wall left to have all the outside walls up and standing tall!  I just love going to the job site and smelling the fresh cut wood and listening to the saws and nail guns.  And...
More Outside Walls

More Outside Walls

Well its hard to believe that these guys work so fast!  The outside walls are almost up.  The three storage rooms in the garage are already framed too. If you look at the foundation of the picture with the garage you can see the red chalk lines of the interior walls....
Dreambuilder…..A Poem

Dreambuilder…..A Poem

While we are waiting I thought I would share a poem I wrote about the house we live in now! It was so exciting to get started!  One day while I was on site as the crew of men were framing I was inspired to write these words.  We have so many wonderful memories in this...