Bittersweet Goodbye

Bittersweet Goodbye

I am not sure that I have fully grasped the concept of bittersweet until now.  I don’t think I have mourned without the death of someone.  I know I have experienced pain.  I know I have regretted in my life.  I have also been filled with joy.  I have enjoyed...
Prom Pressure

Prom Pressure

  Prom season has fallen upon us once again. Although I am in college these days and Prom season doesn’t really apply to me anymore it brings back memories.  I’d like to offer a little advice on the blog to all of you High School Prom attendees.  I’m...
Halloween DIY Halloween Costumes

Halloween DIY Halloween Costumes

DIY Halloween Costumes….Refurbishing your formal dresses into classic characters with a twist. Walk in your closet…..look around and you will most likely find at least one formal dress, the ghost of proms past, the homecoming dress that haunts you or the bridesmaid...