What a perfect day to introduce our farm to you friends! We love farming and the farming lifestyle so to us every day is Earth Day! We specifically implement growing practices that not only replenish our piece of Earth but to let it rest as well. This farm is what supports our family financially and also provides a lifestyle of hard work and community. So we are so excited to share this opportunity with you!

Wheat field at sunset

Photographers and Moms with a camera our beautiful wheat fields are ready and waiting for you! They are turning from green to golden each day. We are a working farm so we will be harvesting the wheat when it is ready and ripe. Which means that you do have a limited amount of time to shoot in the fields. The month of May and the first week of June will be your best opportunity! But it is up to the Good Lord how many days we have.

We have more information on the “photography” tab of our website to help you make your booking decisions. You can contact and book us through email at sweetflowerhomeaz@gmail.com. Keep an eye on our social media for more pictures as the days go by. We are excited to offer this farm experience to you all!

Happy Earth Day!
