Valentine’s Day!  Such a sweet day…. but sometimes such a dilemma!  It’s the day before and you don’t have a clue what you are doing for your Valentine!  Here are a few ideas that you can do today to be ready for Valentine’s tomorrow!

There are more ideas than just the traditional flowers and candy gift.  Don’t get me wrong…..Sweet Flower Home Loves flowers alright……I think they are great every day including Valentine’s Day but….there are still some fun ideas to go with those pretty petals!

Share the gift of an experience!  Millennials are the ones driving this idea.  Psychology Today says a rising number of millennials are wanting experiential gifts rather than materialistic gifts.  Over 51% of millennials say a shared experience is what they’d most like to receive.  So go ahead a plan some experiences that don’t require lots of planning. Here are a few examples: go on a hike (the weather is great in Arizona) go to a festival and enjoy the activities there, go to a sporting event, plan a scavenger hunt around the town or neighborhood or have a picnic under your favorite tree!

Valentine’s for your Valentine:

Handwritten notes never go out of style!  Go out to a paint night, dinner or couples massage.  Stay in and turn your back yard/kitchen into a dining experience.  Rent a projector and turn your backyard into a “drive in” movie!  Deliver their favorite coffee and flowers to work or school.

For friends/family:

Show love to loved ones by calling and catching up with an old friend, spend a little extra time with your family, bake something sweet for them, send your Mom a Valentine’s card (she will love you for the rest of the year!) 

Galentines (millennials know what this is!):

Spend time with your single gals

Staying in – Order pizza/takeout, face masks, Netflix binge

Going out your style? – fun dinner plans

Paint night

Bake something sweet together/decorate heart shaped sugar cookies

Any activity you enjoy.

Self love day (also loved by millenials)

Treat yourself to a good magazine or blog (I suggest Sweet Flower Home), or a romantic movie your husband doesn’t want to watch, or a cup of coffee and good music!  A little self-care is great to recharge your energy and enthusiasm to love on those around you!

Everyone loves love. Show love to those around you! Do a random act of kindness. Millennials care less about what money you spend and more about the thoughtful effort and time spent Think less about the “gift” and more about Giving. (your time, sweet words on a note, etc.)

I hope you enjoy your Valentine’s Day!  Remember that every day is a good day to show others love!

Love and hugs,

Carrie and my very talented millennial assistant Haylee Benbow
