We are so excited about this project and NEED YOUR HELP! I have been so inspired by all the cooking and stories from home that people have been sharing during this time of Sheltering In with the COVID19 pandemic. So I am asking for your help! Send in a recipe, a picture and a 6 to 8 sentence story about how you coped with this time of sheltering in.

For example: I made Mediterranean Black Beans and Rice. I decided to make this dish because my husband had a trip of a lifetime to Israel canceled the week before he left. So we made him a full Israeli dinner to lift his spirits. The grandchildren made story boards about Israel and we watched a tourism film about Israel after dinner. It was an educational and inspirational time as a family.

We will collect all the information and have it made into book form. It will then be available for purchase. I think this will be a book for the ages to help document this unprecedented time when the world slowed down and we all stayed home to help save lives! The cost of the book is still to be determined. We would like to help our local food bank by donating the proceeds to help them stock their shelves. Food insecurity will still be present even when we are able to go back out into the world.

Check out our social media sites for any updates and encouragement.

Here the official info:

* One high resolution picture of your completed recipe or your home

*The recipe – ingredients and instructions

*One to two paragraphs about your time Sheltering In Place

Send these three things to our email: sweetflowerhomeaz@gmail.com by

June 30, 2020.

So get cooking friends! I think this is going to be such a fun project! I’m already dreaming of the book! Send your info in! Have a great day!

