We have all heard it by now. Shelter in and keep you and your family away from the Corona Virus. Practice social distancing. I had never heard that term before. Self Quarantine…..not a word we use to much on a regular basis. Who would have thought the most sought after item in the grocery store was toilet paper! Not me! And yet here I am….. smack dab in the middle of the “new normal” in America!

And yet I know we can all do this. We are trying to do our part as a family. Here are the words I am spreading……Shelter In and spend TIME with your family. Socially Distance yourself from the hustle and bustle of the world and just REST. That’s a word we don’t put a high value on as Americans. Self Quarantine sounds like “come and stay away from those things that are not fruitful, productive or beneficial”. Limit yourself to what you actually NEED at the grocery store not all you want.

I like the thought of Shelter In. I have to say I’ve enjoyed being home with no place I think I have to go and nobody I need to meet with. It has only been a few days and maybe I’ll feel differently if this is a lengthy situation. But for now I’m soaking it in. I ordered a learn to paint with watercolors kit. I generally don’t have time for any more hobbies! But I’ve always loved water color paintings. I think it will bring me joy! I almost have all my laundry done and put away. Spending time in the yard and any of those other projects that you and the kids can work on while you are at home will be great quality time spent.

Socially Distancing ourselves from the hustle and bustle of the world is not our natural inclination. We like the kids to go school and use their brains and talk to their friends! We like our spouses/ourselves to go to work to feel productive and make us feel financially secure. But for now, maybe it means REST. Take a breath from all the things on our to do list and rest. Rest is so many things besides sitting on your couch. It is going outside and hiking or walking if you have nice weather. My family is spending time in the arena with our horses. Learning to rope and ride better with no particular place to go but the right here and now. Maybe its not the convenience of eating out or fast food but the time and togetherness of cooking your family meal and actually sitting down to eat together. Lingering at the table because you actually have the time and really connecting to those you love! Dive into a new book or read to kids!

Self Quarantine says to me, maybe now is the time to leave that organization or group of friends that can be toxic to my marriage. Stepping away from places you visit that are not bringing your family together but pushing them away. Maybe self quarantine can bring about a time a self reflection. None of us have enough time for that in our regular schedule! Maybe it is tugging your teenager away from the “not so great” influencers and bringing him/her back under your influence.

The grocery store is a place that I actually love to go! It holds so many possibilities of great food but also the great party that goes with it! We have so many people through our home that we live from big meal to big meal with lots of people at our house. So, to go in and find nothing on the shelves is sad to think “well I can’t feed a party tonight.” But I am willing to say I just need to feed my family and I will leave on the shelves food for others to feed their families. It is coming to the realization that I don’t need more or even a lot. I can make it on a little. I can be resourceful in my needs to care for myself and those around me.

So now is the time to SHELTER IN and embrace and connect with those you love and are closest to you! You have been given a wonderful time to discover something about yourself and others. Explore nature around you. Look for the best in those around you! Share kindness! It is contagious also!

Blessings to you all and remember to wash your hands!
