Happy Mother’s Day to all of you Mother’s who have loved children, nurtured children and given your heart to children. And it didn’t even matter if you birthed them or not! Mother’s Day stirs up so many different emotions for so many of us. Some have lost Mothers. Some have longed to be a Mother and it just hasn’t happened yet. Some wish they had a better relationship with their Mother. Some Mothers have lost a child. And some have Mothers who they get to love and enjoy on a level that only Mothers and children know on a regular basis!

I am a Mother who has lost my Mother. This is one of the days when I miss her the most. She has been gone for 30 years and I still miss her many days, but especially on Mother’s Day. When I walk down memory lane, I think about the way that she loved to get dressed up and go out for brunch. Now remember going out to brunch was no easy feat when I was young living in a small town. But it was a special treat. I remember that my Mother always believed in me and encouraged my dreams. I also remember she did not like corsages and that was a very common gift when I was young, but we steered away from that. (Hmmm…. I wonder why I don’t like corsages either…..on myself anyway…..pinned awkwardly to your dress……dangling by that sharp pin that is ready to pierce any body that dares to hug you……but the little flowers are always so cute……) Anyway, I always remember that Mother’s Day is just that for me….a day to remember my Mother. I’m thankful for the time I had with her and the impact she made on my life. The pain of loss does not outweigh the joy of remembrance. So I wish for you today if you have lost your Mother that you spend some time walking down memory lane……and only look at the beauty today!

If you are a woman who is longing for a child and it just hasn’t happened yet my heart goes out to you. I pray that you will find the support you need and that you don’t walk this journey alone. If you wish that you had a better relationship with your Mother, then you are on the right track. It starts by wanting it and being intentional to work for it. Even if a Mother’s heart seems unavailable there is still a soft spot for her children. Keep chipping away at the walls so that you can discover the joy in the relationship. You can do it!! If you are a Mother who has lost a child…..words just aren’t enough. Prayers for you go out in a special way on this day. I hope that you can cherish those sweet memories and that brings some joy to you. If you have lost an infant please check out http://www.owlloveyouforever.com They have some wonderful resources to bring comfort to your soul.

And if you are fortunate enough to have your Mother rockin’ your world on regular basis what fun that is! I hope that you really get to know you Mother as a person. Talk to her about her Mother. Find out what made her tick as a teenager. Ask her what her dream is for the future. Help her remember that she can do anything and that you will always be her biggest cheerleader! Pour into her life just as she poured into your life!

I am so thankful to be the Mother of three adult kids and their spouses. Being Mom and now Nani (I took my Mother’s name for grandma because she only got 4 years with the title) is certainly my greatest joy and accomplishment in life! We continue to lean on our faith in Jesus Christ to guide and nurture our relationships with each other. We have been blessed.

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” 2 Corinthians 9:6

I hope that you sow seeds of love, joy, kindness and gentleness generously in your relationship with your Mother or as a Mother, so that you will reap generously the wonderful blessings of Mothers and children.

Here is the whole crew in San Diego

Happy Mother’s Day friends!

With Love,
