The metal roof is one of the design elements from the very beginning of this project that Gary and I both wanted to do!  Gary doesn’t get to involved in the designing of the farmhouse but this was his baby all the way!  My contractor and I kept bantering around the fact that the plans called for a standing seam metal roof.  We got the bid on it from a reputable local company and even planned it into the overall estimate of the house.  It was one of the largest expenses on the estimate.  But I kept going back to the fact that this was the one element of the structure of the farmhouse that Gary was really excited about.  Now when it comes to expenses, Gary is the one the who writes the checks and when it comes to decisions on the house, I generally get to make those…..but this was one expense that just didn’t feel good to the contractor or me.  So RL Brim kept thinking and praying about the situation.  It kept tugging at him and then it started tugging at me.  Was there another type of roof that we could put on?  Was there another company that could do it for less money?  Could we do a combination of materials that would cost less?

Then it hit us!  Why do we need a standing seam?  Where did I get that into my head?  With some thought between Gary and I we realized that the metal roof we put on our home in Flagstaff was a standing seam roof.  Six years ago we needed to replace an old cedar shake roof and we loved the look of the metal roofs in Northern Arizona.  So apparently we didn’t do as much research on that roof, but in our defense, it is a small roof!  So in my mind that was what we needed for the farmhouse.  Then came the epiphany(well really some solid research on my contractor’s part)…….we don’t need a standing seam metal roof we can us an R Panel metal roof!  Then came the revelation from Gary that he did indeed have a team roping buddy who installed metal roofs! (good time to remember that small tidbit of info!).

Well as circumstances would have it, our little seen rain in Arizona was going to be here in the next 5 days.  It didn’t care that it was Friday morning and we didn’t have a roof on the beautiful farmhouse that would keep out the water.  In Arizona it doesn’t rain much, but when it does, it’s usually a good soak.  Well Gary gives Ted Morales a call that morning.  Ted is a cowboy with good old fashion work ethic and common sense. He had his crew out Friday afternoon!  When does that happen in the regular world? Thank the Lord for cowboys!  We had an unbelievably awesome metal roof at a very reasonable price by the time the rains came. And not one leak!!!

We love the raw grey metal color of the roof and how it reflects the sunlight and brightens the cloudy days!  We are so thankful for our contractor staying with his instincts and for the quick response of a cowboy roofer!  I am so thankful for my husband, making it all happen!

The farmhouse is going forward fast!  Keep checking here for more updates and thanks for stopping by!