Thanks so much for visiting us at Sweet Flower Home. My name is Carrie and I am the creator behind the brand. I love to make things. It can be anything from baking, to flower arranging, to coloring and painting to remodeling or building a home. I am not very good at creating a spreadsheet or crunching numbers! But give me some glue, paint, wood, frosting, or paper and I can create something.

I am actually a farmer. My husband and I farm in a small town west of Phoenix where we grow a variety of crops. Our main crop is onion transplants. We start an onion from seed and grow it for 90 days and then send it back to other farmers all over the country to grow out to a mature onion that you buy at the grocery store. We also grow a variety of vegetables, cotton, wheat, barley and alfalfa. My favorite crop though is our sunflowers that we grow for photographers to take pictures of their clients in!

My husband Gary and I have been married 37 years and have 3 adult children and 9 grandchildren with number 10 coming this spring! We are thankful to have them all close to us and get to see them all on a regular basis! I call us a big cloud of Chaos and Love!

Sweet Flower Home is a way for me to practice hospitality with others in our community and beyond with our hosted events, as well as teach hospitality to others through our workshops. We want to teach the importance of agriculture to this generation so that we can sustain a healthy food source for our future through understanding the role agriculture plays in our lives. It is our mission to create Connection and Compassion through Education on our farms and in our cities!

Thanks for following us on social media and attending our events! We always love getting to know our community better!

