When I saw these shoes I knew I couldn’t walk out of the store without them. They kept calling my name…….Carrie, Carrie, Carrie and when I responded I said “certainly I won’t leave you here without an owner.”  So here they are…..the cutest fall shoes ever at my new farmhouse front door!  I love the colors, the pattern, the style and yes they are comfy!  The brand is Nine West.  They are made of a material that feels like straw which means that you can easily wipe them off too!  You will probably see them again somewhere this fall at the farmhouse!

What kind of shoes are walking through your front door?  Do they feel welcome when they come in?  A sweet word of acknowledgement when someone comes through your door always sets the right mood!  The littlest of friends and family or the most important deserve a little hospitality at your house!

Come by and see us here again!  Thanks!