While we are waiting I thought I would share a poem I wrote about the house we live in now! It was so exciting to get started! One day while I was on site as the crew of men were framing I was inspired to write these words. We have so many wonderful memories in this house it will certainly be hard to leave. Maybe that’s why I’ve embarked on this blogging adventure to help myself and the family make the transition. It won’t be easy. But a lot of prayers have gone into this project and there will be more prayers over the farmhouse to come!
I watch with envy, intrigue and amazement.
I’ve waited for so long.
For what seems like forever I’ve dreamed of this moment in time.
The Jungle of wood lays lifeless in piles…….
Each length holding no promise on its own…..
But with each passing hour I see muscles shape and cut them, creating spaces in
Which people will laugh in….cry in……love in.
My dream was a distant picture in the mist of my mind…..
But your hands have hammered and nailed the vision into rooms and rooftops.
The urgency of your movement and the clack of hammers are unknowingly
Orchestrated to the purr of the generators and the rhythm of ACDC.
You see through to my heart…..asking just the right question or creating just the perfect line.
I am the visionary and you the potter. Together we have created this vessel that will be my home.
From it will ebb and flow love.
A dream can shift in the wind like clouds in the sky, but the reality of wood, nails and
Concrete touch me like rain on my skin.
My home stands tall and beautiful. Built with sweat and pride, it will hold the promise of
Warmth and security within its walls.
My Lord’s name will be spoken often in this home and your name will be lifted up as my
Carrie Mayfield September 2001